#stayhomeresolute 寄付のご報告

#STAY HOME RESOLUTE キャンペーンへのご参加ありがとうございました。
2020年6月10日、公益社団法人 日本医師会(新型コロナウィルス感染症の対応にあたる医療従事者・医療現場への支援)への寄付を行いましたので、ご報告致します。
キャンペーン期間中の#stayhomeresolute 投稿数は、854件。
#stayhomeresolute Project
そこで、#stayhomeresolute を通じて
RESOLUTE USER が家に居ながらファッションを楽しむ “場”
そして 、今この瞬間も自分の身を削って新型コロナウィルスと戦っている医療従事者の方々へ RESOLUTE FAN から、微力ながら応援の気持ちとして #stayhomeresolute 1投稿につき100円を寄付する という方法で伝えます。
投稿する写真に #stayhomeresolute を付けてInstagram にアップするだけです。
① RESOLUTE を穿いて 家の中、もしくは家の敷地内で撮影した着こなし写真に限る。
② 一人でも、家族でも、RESOLUTE を穿いて みんなが STAY HOMEを楽しんでいる写真。
③ 可能なら “笑顔” で写っている事。( 顔出し NG でも可 )
※投稿して頂いた画像は RESOLUTE の WEBサイト、SNS 等で使用させて頂く場合がございますのでご了承下さい。
① #stayhomeresolute 1投稿 につき 100円を RESOLUTE (株式会社エスビープラニング) より医療関係団体等へ寄付させて頂きます。
② 寄付は10万円到達ごとに行いますので、まずは1000投稿を目指して頑張りましょう!
③ 投稿数は毎日の日替わりコーディネートでも、1日に何パターンでも、1投稿につき100円がカウントされますので多数の投稿をお待ちしております。
※寄付先は現在検討しています。決まり次第 WEBサイト、 SNS で報告致します。
This is a project to support and send positive vibes to the world in a fashionable way while we are staying at home.
The new COVID-19 virus is sadly impacting people all over the world. Most people have been not going out and staying home to stop the spread of coronavirus. Staying home is important and must continue until the virus is under control but we all miss dressing up and going out!
So, we have started the Instagram campaign #stayhomeresolute.
To get involved RESOLUTE customers can show how they are still enjoying fashion while staying at home by using the #stayhomeresolute hashtag to share positive vibes to everyone.
By following the #stayhomeresolute hashtag RESOLUTE customers can share and gather ideas for their post-COVID-19 looks and communicate with one another.
To broaden the impact of the #stayhomeresolute hashtag on instagram, RESOLUTE will donate 100 Yen per post!
Donations will go to medical staff who are fighting against COVID-19 to show our respect and how grateful we are!
Campaign Details
The campaign starts on Saturday, April 25, 2020 all you need to do is add #stayhomeresolute to your photos and post them on Instagram with our RESOLUTE JEANS!
- Photo must to taken inside of your house or property with your favorite RESOLUTE Jeans.
- Photos should depict positive vibes and encourage people to STAY HOME. Those in the photo must be wearing RESOLUTE, yourself or with your family!
- Make sure you smile! If you are shy it is ok to not show your face.
*Please note by including the hashtag #stayhomeresolute you per mit RESOLUTE to use the images you post on the RESOLUTE website, SNS, etc.
RESOLUTE Donation method - Donations will only be made if the post includes the hashtag #stayhomeresolute. For each verified post RESOLUTE (SB Planning Co., Ltd.) will donate 100 Yen per post to medical organizations.
- Donations will be capped at 100,000 Yen amount, so let’s try to get those 1000 posts!
- RESOLUTE will monitor the number of verified posts and if you want to follow along and join in the count everyday, we would love that!
We are looking forward to seeing all your lovely posts!
*SB Planning Co., Ltd is currently considering the best destination for its donation. As soon as it has been decided it will be announced on our website and SNS.
*There is NO cost for customers for participate in this campaign.
*Please note that RESOLUTE will only count posts made using Public accounts on Instagram. Private accounts will not count towards this campaign.