ジーパンを作り始めて30年以上。デザイナー林にとっては、ずっとLevi’s 501が憧れだった。DENIMEのデザイナーとして成功し、1990年代には一世を風靡したが、穿きたいジーパンは1970年代のLevi’s 501の66 モデルだった。あの頃のLevi’sのようなジーパンが作りたい。RESOLUTEのスタートはその想いからだったと言ってもいいだろう。裾を切らないで穿けるように、ウェストとレングスのサイズが豊富にあって、何年経っても変わることのないスタンダードなジーパンが林の理想だった。

RESOLUTE, a jeans brand, was launched in 2010. Yoshiyuki Hayashi, Designer of RESOLUTE, is standing on his diversified experience ofover 30 years, he designed exclusively 4 types of jeans to start a jeans –only-brand. The entire procedure of RESOLUTE jeans production is all MADE IN JAPAN, from its yarn dyeing to its yarn weaving, sewing and processing.
Core model 710 has a lot of its sizing; the waist sizes vary from 26 to 40 inches, and for each waist size there are from 5 to 8 different lengths ready. In total, 87 sizes are available. The idea of carrying 86 different kinds of measurements comes from Hayashi’ s prudent intention for the customers to make his creation fit each one’ s body without shortening the length and changing the shape.
Simply because Hayashi does not compromise and is confident to maintain the best quality and design over decades. Behind his strong confidence, we cannot ignore the backbone of the world’s best technology/quality of jeans production in Japan.


デザイナー林のDENIME時代からのパートナーでもある。ここではRESOLUTE専用の織機が用意されており、盛夏を除いた四季を通して、安定した品質の生地が織り上がるよう熟練の職人がメンテナンスを欠かさない。その生地を使って、理想的なシルエットに縫い上げるのは、岡山県新見市にある縫製工場、新見ソーイングセンター。ここは、かつてLevi’s Japanの指定工場だった。縫製工程別に細かく設定されたミシンでRESOLUTEはパーツごとに縫われていく。慣れた手つきで、リズムを刻むが如く縫われていく様は実に小気味よい。

An evaluation of jeans made in Japan is high in worldwide. The production is Bingo district over Okayama and Hiroshima.
The fabric for RESOLUTE is woven in Shinya Co., Ltd. in Ibara-shi, Okayama. An old power loom still operates regularly, and the denim fabric woven there has much ordering from global maison brand. Shinya Co., Ltd. is a partner of Hayashi from the DENIME days. There is an old power loom for exclusive use of RESOLUTE, and expert craftsman maintains it elaborately.
It is a sewing factory in Niimi-shi, Okayama, Niimi sewing center to finish sewing to an ideal silhouette with this fabric. It has a good reputation for technology once as it was a designated factory of Levi’ s Japan. RESOLUTE is sewed by a sewing machine set according to a sewing process finally.
Reliability is high so that Hayashi says,“It is only this factory to be able to sew RESOLUTE”, and guarantee sewed into the sleek of the pocket is proof of the quality.


林 芳亨(はやし よしゆき)

He was born in 1956. It is an opportunity that he longed for Levi’ s for youth and begins to work in the jeans industry after graduation from university.
He learns the making of jeans by self-education, and in 1988 when DENIME established, he is invited as a designer by DENIME. He had the deep affection and preference for jeans, so in a record-breaking replica jeans trend in Japan, he was to be a big figure in that trend. After he left DENIME, he launched RESOLUTE in order to pursue his ideal style of jeans again in 2010.